Protect Ohio Water Quality
Encourage local, state, and federal programs, practices, and legislation that will increase, restore, and enhance wetlands, grasslands, and woodlands resulting in better water quality for people, fish, and wildlife within the Western Lake Erie basin watershed and throughout the state. In addition, encourage multi-jurisdictional and public/private collaborations to address this issue.

Invasive Species
Support prevention, management, and elimination of invasive species to protect habitat and wildlife diversity. In addition, we support efforts to reach out to and educate the public on ways to prevent the further spread and impact of invasive species.

Wildlife Council
Recognize the important role of the Wildlife Council and support the time-tested, successful wildlife council system in Ohio and the need for it to be maintained at its full roster with qualified conservation-minded members in accordance with Ohio revised code.

Ohio’s Deer Population
(a) Oppose legislation permitting deer sanctuaries, (b) support strict regulation of captive deer to control chronic wasting disease and other diseases, and (c) support the Division of Wildlife strategy to maintain the quality of Ohio’s deer population and hunter satisfaction.

Habitat Conservation Programs
Promote federal and state habitat programs such as Farm Bill Conservation Programs, North American Wetlands Conservation Act, Land and Water Conservation Fund, Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, State Wildlife Grants Program, Clean Ohio Fund, and other programs to ensure they are available and utilized throughout Ohio.

Land Acquisition and Access
Encourage the State of Ohio, the Department of Natural Resources and other entities to increase the amount of land for hunting, trapping, and fishing available through purchase, easement, or agreement. Encourage the state to increase access to existing public and private lands and waters. Support management and enhancement of wildlife habitat on state and federal lands through public/private partnership.

Support the Department of Natural Resources and Its Divisions
(a) Support strong conservation leaders and wildlife professionals as administrators for Ohio’s Department of Natural Resources, (b) protect the wildlife fund and support the federal Sport Fish and Wildlife restoration funds (P-R, D-J, W-B) to ensure that Ohio’s apportionment is used to maximum benefits to Ohioans, avoids reversion, and is not misused or diverted, (c) restore permanently civil service protection to the position of assistant chief, (d) ensure the county wildlife officer system in Ohio is bolstered, maintained, and not transferred into natural resource officers, conservation police officers or another branch of state government, and (e) support fiscal responsibility for hunting, fishing, and fur taker license fees.

Recruitment, Retention & Reactivation
Support the Division of Wildlife and other conservation organizations’ efforts that encourage recruitment, retention, and reactivation of hunters, anglers, and trappers and improve access and opportunities for hunting, fishing and trapping.

Sustainable Forestry
Support and promote sustainable forestry policies, programs and management that focus on young, intermediate, and mature forests, outdoor recreation, and plant and wildlife diversity on state, private, and Wayne National Forest lands. In addition, support increased funding and educate the public and decision makers on the benefits of sustainable forest management.

Wildlife Diversity
Support science-based conservation efforts by the Division of Wildlife for threatened, endangered, and other species that have led to the recovery of fish and wildlife.