Support efforts to pass the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act through Congress in 2025, as well as a strong and enhanced Farm Bill that includes robust funding for the Conservation Title and the expansion of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program into the Miami River watershed. Support continued funding and implementation of H2Ohio.
Support aggressive management, research, and funding strategies to curtail the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease in Ohio, including implementation of the Chronic Wasting Disease Research and Management Act.
Partner with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and other agencies to stop further expansion of invasive carps into the Great Lakes and eradicate Grass carp from Lake Erie.
Support capital dollars and other funding for maintenance and improvement of property open to and for public recreational use such as ranges, dams, impoundments, and access points, and conservation and habitat protection measures that increase opportunities for hunting, fishing, and trapping.
Partner with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and other agencies to support efforts to eradicate Grass carp in Lake Erie and build support for the Brandon Road Plan to prevent further spread of Asian carp into the Great Lakes.
Support long-term sustainable funding for the Ohio Division of Wildlife and capitol dollars and other funding for maintenance and improvement of property open to and for public recreational use such as ranges, dams, impoundments and access points.
Encourage the State of Ohio, the Department of Natural Resources, and other entities in support of additional acquisition of AEP ReCreation Land available for hunting, fishing, and trapping.
Secure state match for Scioto and Lake Erie Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program and other Farm Bill conservation funding. Support implementation and continuation of H2Ohio.
Partner with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to develop an eradication strategy for Grass Carp in Lake Erie and build support for the Brandon Road Plan to prevent the spread of Asian carp into the Great Lakes.
Support a license fee increase to provide sustaining funding for the Ohio Division of Wildlife and capitol dollars for maintenance and improvement of property open to and for public recreational use such as ranges, dams and impoundments.
Encourage the State of Ohio, the Department of Natural Resources, and other entities in support of additional acquisition of AEP ReCreation Land available for hunting, fishing, and trapping.
Secure state match for the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program to target high-priority conservation concerns in the Scioto and Lake Erie Watersheds through establishing resource conserving upland and riparian habitat.